Thursday, November 23, 2006

Disney World documents - stuck at the border??

It seems that the US-Canada border is getting tough to cross, even for documents! Our agency has 16 separate files with Walt Disney Travel company departing between now and Jan 5th 2007. All documents have been issued. None have arrived!

Apparently Canada Post, or Canada Customs are delaying certain Disney travel documents, and we are not the only travel agency affected... (It's weird that we receive Magical Express transfer documents, by next-day courier...)

To be fair, the docs that Disney send are not really necessary, and duplicate copies will be sent to the resort. But it is hard for us to have to explain to our clients why they have no documents for their (often multi-thousand dollar) Disney vacations... someone needs to smarten up!

Just for your info, over the years we have had a number of clients traveling to Disney sans documents. Everyone got what they paid for - no exceptions. So, if you are affected, and have no Disney documents, please accept our apologies - on behalf of Disney/Canada Post/Canada Customs/US department of Homeland Security etc. etc. - and assurances that even if you don't have our package in advance, it will be safely waiting for you on when you arrive.

Update - 24th November - One arrived today after all, in good time to give to the guest - so hopefully we will be receiving the rest in time too, if a bit late.... Still, better late than never...

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