Some of you may know that I am on paternity leave right now (though still, strangely, working every day for the travel agency!....) as my wife gave birth to our 3rd child in the early hours of last Monday morning - 11th June.
We named him Orlando.
And because this is my Disney news blog, and I am a Disney Specialist, and because there are a number of potential possible Disney links to that particular name!, I wish to explain our choice...
1. He is not named after the location of Disney World! (Nice though that city may be...)
2. He was not even conceived there, (though we calculate that he has been there in utero. He must have been about as big as a pin-head, so likely does not remember it much!)
3. He is not named after Orlando Bloom, star of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean movies. (Nice-looking though my wife may find him...)
So why "Orlando"?
1. The name has been in both sides of our families for several generations.
2. My wife who is part-Venezuelan wanted a Spanish-sounding name to offset my English-sounding last name (Robinson).
3. We both like the name, it's a little unusual and we felt that somehow, it suited our son...
So there you have it. Much more information than you could possibly have wanted!